Vitamins and Minerals: Are You Getting Enough?

Are You Getting All the Vitamins and Minerals You Need?



fast food has few vitaminsWe all know that vitamins and minerals are vital to our health. A deficiency in any one of them can cause us to have health issues.

You’d think that nowadays, with modern medicine and an abundance of food in many countries, people would have enough vitamins and minerals. But that’s not the case.

Sadly, many people who have enough food to keep them full, but eat a poor diet, suffer from nutrient deficiencies. For example, according to the USDA:

  • 68% of Americans have a calcium deficiency,
  • 80% are deficient in Vitamin B6,
  • 75% in magnesium,
  • and 90% in chromium.

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Do You Eat Low-Fat Food?

Fat-free and low-foods are very popular in the supermarkets – but they can cause health problems.

These food items are heavily processed (to remove the fat) and then artificial (and sometimes unhealthy) alternatives are added for flavor and texture. Aspartame is a good example of such as additive – it’s linked to several health issues.

As if the heavy processing wasn’t bad enough, if you don’t eat enough dietary fat, you cannot properly absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Do You Drink Enough Water?

vitamins need waterAs well as fat-soluble vitamins, there are also water-soluble vitamins.

Water-soluble vitamins include B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, Vitamins H, and C. Your body absorbs them when you drink enough healthy fluids.

What About Minerals?

If you eat healthy food, it’s easier for your body to absorb vital minerals. For example, oxalate (found in rhubarb and spinach), and phytates (located in grains) help you absorb what you need.


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Many people rely on supplements to get vitamins and minerals – it’s a huge business worldwide.

But it’s always better to get the nutrients you need from fresh food.

  • You have no control over what is contained in supplements. You don’t know everything that’s contained in them.
  • Plus, incorrect dosages can cause serious health problems. For example, if you’re on blood thinners, you should avoid taking Vitamin K supplements without first speaking to your doctor. But there’s no problem with eating kale, spring onions, broccoli and other vegetables which are natural sources of this vitamin!

Sometimes, however, supplements may be necessary. For example, vitamin D comes from the sun, and if you live in a climate where there’s a long, dark winter, then a supplement may be appropriate.

If you do use a supplement, look for one that offers nutrients that were derived from whole foods.

Before starting a supplement regime, discuss it with your doctor as some vitamins can create problems with certain health conditions.


Related:  If you care for a senior person, here’s how to make sure they get the right nutrients


Vitamins play an important role in normalizing your bodily functions. It is vitally important to get an adequate intake in order to prevent deficiencies, as well as promoting optimal health.

The best way to make sure you are getting the right balance of vitamins and minerals is to eat a balanced diet.

So, make sure you and your family eat a variety of foods for health – and to keep things interesting!


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Do you manage to get all the good things you need, from your diet? How do you feel about supplements? Let me know in the Comments below!


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