Stop Cravings with Juices and Smoothies for Weight Loss

Juices and Smoothies are Perfect to Stop Cravings!

stop cravings, weight loss with juices and smoothiesDid you know that fresh, healthy juices and smoothies can be your secret weapon for stopping cravings and helping overcome emotional eating?

And that means juices and smoothies are great for weight loss!

How Can We Stop Cravings?

To stop cravings, we first need to know what causes them.

Why do we sometimes crave certain foods, and not at other times?

Cravings are caused by

  • Low blood sugar
  • Hormones
  • Emotions

For example, if you just got yelled at by your boss, you may find yourself craving sweet things.

Why You Can Have Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar is caused by eating a food high in sugar.  (Yes, I know, it sounds daft, but it’s true!).

up and down blood sugar levels - stop cravingsAfter eating something sweet, your blood sugar spikes; but an hour later it is down to rock bottom. The result? A craving for more sweets.

If you eat more sweet things, you’re fine for a while. But then your blood sugar will crash again – and again, you’ll be craving more chocolate or doughnuts or candy…..

So the solution is to stop that high > crash > high cycle.

And you can do that with juices and smoothies.

Don’t React – Solve with Juices and Smoothies

The key to stopping those cravings is to recognise them and solve them, not just react to them.

If you react, you’re going to eat food that will spike your blood sugar level – again.

Solving those cravings means you need to

  • eat well and often, so that you keep your blood sugar balanced.
  • stay hydrated

And fresh juices and smoothies let you do exactly that! Here’s how:

Stop Cravings With Convenience

stop cravings with this strawberry Smoothie Always have the ingredients for a juice or smoothie close to hand – when you feel those cravings, you need to get something good into you, and it must be easy and convenient.

If you’re at home, of course that’s quite easy. If you’re in an office or travelling, then make up some yummy juices and smoothies, freeze them overnight, then take them with you next day. By the time they’re thawed, you’re ready to eat them.

Find out everything you need to know about Juices and Smoothies, including hundreds of great recipes, and how best to freeze them, in “Ultimate Juices and Smoothies”.

Stop Cravings with Protein

stop cravings with protein Smoothie for EnergyProtein is a great way to help fend off cravings. It helps balance your blood sugar and keeps your metabolism level. It also helps you stay full longer.

Smoothies are often more filling than juices because they contain fibre from the fruits and vegetables, while juices don’t.  Plus, you can add a scoop of protein powder to your smoothie to make it even more filling!

Stop Cravings with This Cool Tip!

Here’s something that’s very cool to know about cravings.  We may think stop cravings with juices and smoothies and waterwe’re hungry when in fact – we’re actually dehydrated!

When you feel hungry or are having a craving, have a glass of water or a fresh, pure juice. Water fills you up, it helps balance your metabolism, and it may banish that craving immediately.

Yes, we often misinterpret the signals our body is sending us.

So if you’re craving food, drink something first.

Be Prepared!

Be prepared for cravings and you can nip them in the bud. Have healthy juices and smoothies on hand, and eat well and often to keep blood sugar balanced. Stay hydrated.

Cravings are a part of life. Learn to manage them and you won’t have to worry about them sabotaging your dieting efforts.

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