5 Must-Have Power Foods for Your Weight Loss Smoothie

Add These Power Foods For A Yummy-Yet-Healthy Weight Loss Smoothie


weight loss smoothieSome smoothies can be really tasty – but sometimes, the really yummy ones aren’t very good for your waistline. (In fact, some of them can really pile on the pounds).

But what if I told you there were some yummy ingredients that will make your smoothies so tasty, that you can’t imagine they’re so healthy?

There are key ingredients that you can add to your smoothies that will up the flavour and nutrients – without adding useless calories.

Most slimming smoothies are quite thin and often don’t leave you feeling full and satisfied. But when you add some of these power foods to your slimming smoothies, you can give them a rich and creamy texture.
Let’s get right into it. Are you adding these to your weight loss smoothies?

Weight Loss Smoothie Power Food #1:- Nuts

Nuts? In a weight loss smoothie?


walnuts for weight loss smoothieNuts aren’t an obvious choice as a superfood to add to your weight loss smoothie, but they should be.

Aside from the lovely nutty taste and flavor, nuts – especially raw nuts – are rich sources of the unsaturated fats necessary for heart health.

According to a Harvard study, eating one or two small handfuls of nuts daily can actually add about 2 years to your life!

The best choice for weight loss smoothies is walnuts.

Raw walnuts contain the highest levels of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which is a healthy omega-3 fatty acid vital to heart health. Raw walnuts also contain mono- and polyunsaturated fats, which can reduce the levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol while stabilizing the “good” HDL cholesterol levels.

“But Clare, aren’t nuts high in calories?” I hear you ask?

They are, but when eaten in small quantities, the study showed little or no weight gain amongst participants.

Pistachio nuts also have great health benefits.

(Caution – processed nuts – roasted in oil with flavourings added, for example – do not offer the same benefits as raw nuts and may result in weight gain)

Weight Loss Smoothie Power Food #2:- Oranges

oranges for weight loss smoothieOranges give you a great amount of vitamin C, which can help to build up your immunity. All citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, tangerines and pomelos) contain large amounts of vitamin C.

But I find that orange juice works really well in smoothies – especially green smoothies. They add a depth of flavor mixed with sweetness that helps to mask the taste of some healthy ingredients that I don’t necessarily like the taste of – cauliflower and broccoli in my case, which I dislike eating alone. But I don’t taste them in a healthy weight loss smoothie when I add orange juice.

(That’s useful information you won’t find elsewhere – yes, fresh orange juice is good for you, but it also enables you to add healthy vegetables-you-don’t-like to make your smoothies really healthy while still tasting great!).


Weight Loss Smoothie Power Food #3:- Berries

strawberries for weight loss smoothieThey can be so delicious and sweet-tooth-enjoyable that it is hard to believe the health benefits and how they can speed up your metabolism. For convenience and ease, use scrumptious frozen berries in your healthy smoothie – just blend your ingredients, and you’re good to go – weight loss an added advantage!

If you’ve done any sort of research into superfoods for smoothies, you’ll probably already know that berries are great to add to weight-loss smoothies. But do you know why?

They’re very low in calories, but contain lots of fibre which helps to make you feel full (so you’ll eat less other stuff) and also keep you regular.

Are all berries the same? No.
• Raspberries contain approximately 8 grams of fibre per cup. They also contain cancer-fighting ellagic acid
• Blueberries contain 4 grams of fibre per cup, and are said to help with memory.
• Strawberries also contain about 4 grams of fiber.


Weight Loss Smoothie Power Food #4:- Yogurt

yogurt yoghurt weight loss smoothiesIf you choose the right yogurt, it can really help your weight loss efforts, as well as add a creamy texture to your smoothies.

Always use plain, unsweetened yogurt with probiotics. These “good bacteria” maintain digestive tract and gut health.

Always avoid low-fat or fat-free yogurts as they are heavily processed and have additives instead of the fats that have been removed. It’s better and healthier to eat a small amount of regular, full-fat yogurt, rather than artificially-enhanced low-fat yogurt.

Weight Loss Smoothie Power Food #5:- Kiwi

kiwi for weight loss smoothiesThey say variety is key, and this certainly applies in the case of healthy smoothies for weight loss. Any part of a proper diet is to make sure you have a combination of textures and colors, and plenty of fresh, raw and healthy snacks.

Kiwi is not a common ingredient in smoothies, but it should be! Its delicious flavour works wonderfully well in weight loss smoothies, and it’s a great source of vitamin C.

(The black seeds even add a bit of flair to the look of your smoothie!).

Low in calories, but high in nutrients, kiwi is the perfect addition to your daily weight loss smoothie.


Power foods for weight loss smoothies add flavor, nutrients and fibre, thus encouraging weight loss.

Walnuts, oranges, berries, yogurt and kiwi are my top 5 best power foods to add to a weight loss smoothie to give you energy and nutritional support.

Isn’t it wonderful that something tastes this good AND is giving you a lot of health benefits?

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Warm regards,

signature Clare





P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE juicing and smoothies recipe book here!


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