Diverticulitis Treatment & Prevention


I’ve just read a pretty horrifying statistic.

50 % get Diverticulitis According to WebMD, diverticulitis is very common and occurs in 50% of people over age 60 in the US.

So, if you’re over 60, you’ve got a 50-50 chance of getting diverticulitis – yikes!

So, I thought I’d write an article about it, because it’s so incredibly common – and yet it’s really, really easy to prevent!

Read on to find out more about diverticulitis  and how you can prevent it, or help to reduce the pain if you are already suffering from it.

What is Diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis is a common digestive disease where pouches develop along the bowel wall. It can be very painful to move or cough. The pain and discomfort may last from a few hours to a couple of days or more.

Luckily though, some people who have diverticulitis do not show any symptoms.

How do you know if you’ve got it? Diverticulitis is diagnosed with blood tests, CT scan or X-ray

Diverticulitis Treatment

Treatment focuses on clearing up the infection and inflammation, often with antibiotics. If the attacks are frequent and the pain is severe, surgery might be required.

But antibiotics aren’t really good for us (although they do work), and can result in antibiotic resistance.

Plus, these treatments do not address the cause, and don’t prevent it happening again.

Diverticulitis Prevention

There is no pharmaceutical medication at this time that will help to prevent diverticulitis – but there is a wonderful natural prevention!

People who don’t eat a lot of fiber are more susceptible.

So to prevent it (or to control it if you have it), you need to make sure you eat a diet which includes plenty of healthy fibre, to make it easier for your colon and its digestive processes to function properly.

But it’s not much fun to eat a lot of peas and Brussels sprouts and beans.

It’s a LOT more fun to eat (well, drink) a whole pile of high-fibre vegetables inside a yummy smoothie or fresh juice.

In “Ultimate Juices and Smoothies for Fun and Health” you’ll see exactly how to make yummy drinks that taste good but are also good for you.

And if you look at healthy green juices and think they look revolting (I used to), I’ll show you exactly how to overcome that so that you truly enjoy the greenest juices and smoothies that are best for your health.

Right now though,  I’ve got some “freebies” for you to get you started!

First, find out how you can use fresh juices to improve your exercise routines (you’ll be surprised at how much more you can do with the right juices before and after – even if it’s just a walk!).

Juicing helps diverticulosis

Secondly, you can get some delicious free recipes for healthy (and some deliciously-not-quite-so-healthy) juices and smoothies. Just click the picture below.


Juicing Recipes for diverticulitis

Download one – or both – freebies now and get started on preventing diverticulitis!

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