can juices and smoothies be funWe all know that (some) juices and smoothies are healthy.

But can juices and smoothies be fun too?

I think so!

One of the (many) great things about juices and smoothies is that there are so many varieties that you don’t ever get bored with the same old thing.

You could have a different juice or smoothie every day of the year. Now that’s fun!

And in fact, our bodies are designed to eat different foods.

Can juices and smoothies be fun? Yes, with 101 Utterly Delicious Recipes In the “Ultimate Juices and Smoothies for Fun and Health” package, you’ll discover over 100 different juice and smoothie recipes.

(Plus a template for making your own recipes with just the right quantities and ratios).

But for me, one of the best things about juices and smoothies, is that you can “hide” vegetables that you don’t actually like in them. (Yes, I show you how to do this in “Ultimate Juices and Smoothies“).

Can juices and smoothies be fun? Yes, with this BookFor example, I hate celery, but I know it’s good for me (vitamins A, B2, B6, C, K, molybdenum, folate, potassium, fibre, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium and more).

If food has celery in it, I can spot it straight away.

But now, I’m eating celery perfectly happily in my daily smoothie – and I’m enjoying it!

That means that you can get the health benefits of wonderful vegetables you know you should be eating, without the yucky taste of the ones you don’t like.

I think that’s very cool!

Can juices and smoothies be fun? Absolutely!

Lose Weight

with these yummy smoothies that fill you up (so you won't snack).

6 Best Smoothies 

for Diabetics

Low sugar.

Low carb.

Highly delicious!

berry smoothie 200

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